Target Tether

A simple mobile game with addicting mechanics. Started when I created a prototype of a generic rhythm game in class, but was turned into a fully-fledged version.

Platformer Game

My longest-standing and most famous project. Built first when I was learning JavaScript, rebuilt when I was experienced enough to make an entire network-sites with account systems.


My newest project focused around providing a space for furries to communicate with each other. Starting with a simple idea, it grew into a small network with twenty or so people.


A game I made to test my JS skills and see how fast I could make a functioning app. I didn't know about Handlebars at the time, so I mimicked its functionality. Not my best app.

Network Simulator

Created for fun after a lesson about networking. Not anything super special, but provides a place to experiment with encoding and decoding packets.

Arlojay Chatroom

Very popular during online and partial in-person school to allow lots of people on different platforms to communicate.

Stock Investing Simulator

Created for an assignment to create a game about investing. Turned out kind of fun to play by yourself to challenge how much stock money you can earn by following the trends.

Wordle Infinite

I created this when Wordle was one of the most popular games, and when people always craved more of it. Including me. So I made this app to help quench that thirst.

2D Tilemap Library

This web library was created as a module for OnlinePlatformer. Anyone can use it if they want. It's not super special.